A lover of flowers is known as an “anthophile,” a word derived from the Greek anthos (flower) and phile (lover). Do I qualify as an anthophile? Probably not—my love extends far beyond flowers to plants, mountains, sunrises, sunsets, new shoots in spring, cool breezes in summer, falling leaves in autumn, white snow in winter, and […]
Author: Leeunn
Jury service
The Australian Constitution guarantees the right of any person accused of wrong doing to a trial by jury, and it is a fundamental right and civic responsibility of all Australian citizens as part of our democratic society. Jury service is one of the most important civic duties we may be called upon to undertake. Like […]
I must be French
When someone thinks of France, the first thing that comes to mind might be the Eiffel Tower, a symbol of French heritage. Or the Mona Lisa, arguably the most important piece of artwork in the Louvre. When I think of France, a warm and delighted feeling wraps me up like a cocoon. The environment fills […]
What’s Fair got to do with it
Reality check
Is the car insurance company playing a cat-and-mouse game after their customer had a car crash?
The first Australian city to be registered as a member of the International League of Historical Cities.
Once Upon a Time in March
Reality check
Are you still there?
Friendship of the good.
Happy 74th Birthday
It was my mother’s suffering day,
now it is my happy birthday.
Uncertain or doubtful truth
Stop Right Here
We are two ships passing each other by on an ocean.